Wednesday, October 29, 2008

About TIME!

I've recently been bitten by the baking bug, specifically, the "I MUST BAKE WITH PUMPKIN!" Bug :)

Though I've been a wee bit neglectful of taking pictures and taking the time to blog about my baking lately (ummmm... if EVER!) I've since learned to keep the camera on the kitchen counter, so at least it's close at hand and I have less excuses!

I've also got to learn how to take pictures in the right light and setting, but for now, I'm going to concentrate on at least blogging and posting a pic about each yummy delight I've concocted :)

Later today/tonight, I will post about a Pumpkin Cheesecake I made yesterday as well as the Daring Bakers October Challenge! :)

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I have gotten the same bug visit my blog for pumpkin doughnuts they will change your life or just your pants size;)